Community Based Avoided Deforestation Project
| Blue Carbon |

The objectives
. Promote forest and biodiversity conservation in a high deforestation risk region, but where well preserved and significant forest patches still remain;
. Contribute to sustain soil fertility, agricultural productivity, food security, and the livelihoods of local populations;
. Involve the main land use drivers in conservation activities that facilitate financial flows with positive feedbacks;
. Contribute to fulfill national development strategies that mainstream climate change into policy while supporting the nation’s international commitments to the UNFCCC.
Positive Impacts
In addition to the protection of the CITES listed Pterocarpus erinaceus, the reduction in deforestation contributes to maintain habitats of great ecological importance: e.g. those of five of the seven existing species of sea turtles; and those of Crocodylus niloticus; Hippopotamus amphibious; and Pan troglodytes verus.
Reduction of deforestation also contributes to sustain the supply of a range of essential services and goods for local communities. For example, in maintaining the production of oysters, crabs, shellfish or a steady supply of fuelwood.
Project Parameters:
Project Area (PA):
181,200 ha
Sectoral scope:
Scope 14: AFOLU
Project type:
Baseline period:
March 2002 – April 2011
Crediting period:
March 2011 – February 2031
The results:

Deforestation Rate (2011-2016):
Reduce from 0,9% (baseline) to 0,4%
Tons of Carbon per Stratum:
Terrestrial Forest – 190 tCO2/ha
Mangrove – 180 tCO2/ha
302 043 VCUs (2011-2016), around de $1 510 215
Participatory Rural Appraisal:
Forest degradation by fuelwood collection is residual - less than 10% of the sample
On-the-job capacity building:
14 Park Rangers received capacity building and participated in the fieldwork
The monitoring report is complete; the respective verification is finished; inclusion of the project in the VCS Program Project Database is on-going; registration of the project in a VCS Registry Operators will take place in early 2020.
Relevant Documents:
PROJECT PROCESS | Phases of the entire CBADP Emission Reductions Project
The image below identifies the completed phases (phase I to VI) and the phase under development (phase VII). Phases V and VI are repeated every 5 years for supporting the periodic issuance of additional VCUs. ​​​

Field Work and Capacity Building | 2017
In 2017, a field campaign took place in the project area in order to develop activities related to:
Data collection and on-the-job training | Data collection to validate allometric equations using non-destructive tree volume estimation and on-the-job training provided to local technicians on that matter.

Participatory Rural Appraisal and on-the-job training | Data collection to validate allometric equations using non-destructive tree volume estimation and on-the-job training provided to local technicians on that matter.

Awareness Raising | Awareness-raising about the REDD process, the implementation of the VCS project in Cacheu and Cantanhez parks and the importance of forest conservation at 3 levels - Central level: IBAP technical staff; Regional Level: Park Directors and Park Rangers; Local level: local communities.