Socio-Economic-Environment Community Assessment
of the Dulombi - Boé - Tchetche (DBT) complex, Guinea-Bissau

Project Background
The project “Support to the Consolidation of a Protected Area System in Guinea-Bissau’s Forest Belt” aimed to strengthen the National System of Protected Areas through the creation and management of five new protected areas (two national parks and three wildlife corridors) in the continental interior of Guinea-Bissau, the Dulombi-Boé-Tchetche (DBT) Complex.
The main objective was to perform a Socio-Economic-Environmental Impact Assessment to provide information on the potential range of impacts of creating the protected areas, and the most likely responses to those impacted if changes occur, by:
Assessing the opportunities and risks associated with the establishment of the protected areas of the DBT Complex;
Reinforcing the management capacity of the DBT Complex to improve the livelihoods of local communities;
Generating a range of development options based on the preservation and enhancement of natural and human capital, with a direct return to local communities, through participatory governance at national, regional and local levels.

Main Conclusions
| The Strategic Options of the protected areas focus on the valuation and management of ecosystem services, on guaranteeing conditions for more diversified agricultural production, integrated into an optimized value chain.
| The classification of the DBT Complex as a protected area constitutes an added value as it can support a set of numerous opportunities identified throughout the Socio-Economic-Environment Assessment.
| Governance was identified as having a major role in the implementation of the development strategies of the protected areas. Additionally, decentralized participation of stakeholders, at different levels, should be included.
Stakeholders Involvement Workshops | 2015 IBAP headquarters in Bissau
Definition of the Critical Factors of Decision (CFD) | This workshop took place at IBAP headquarters (Bissau, Guinea-Bissau - 09/11/2015). Local stakeholders were enrolled in the workshop in order to define the CFD. Technical elements of IBAP and CAIA, as well as national institutions related to the study, were invited to participate.
Development of Strategic Options | These sessions took place at IBAP headquarters (Bissau, Guinea-Bissau - 06/11/2015, 9/11/2015 and 10/11/2015). Local stakeholders were enrolled in these sessions in order to define the strategic options. Technical elements of IBAP and CAIA, as well as national institutions related to the study, were invited to participate.

Fieldwork | 2015 Dulombi, Boe and TcheTche
The fieldwork took place in the DBT Complex, for seven days (12/11/2015 to 18/11/2015). Interviews and meetings for consultations in the sampled communities were carried out throughout the fieldwork to address the socioeconomic characteristics of communities and governance systems.

National Presentation Session | 2015 IBAP headquarters in Bissau
National Presentation of the Results and Validation of the Strategic Options | This session took place at IBAP headquarters (Bissau, Guinea-Bissau - 02/12/2015). Local stakeholders were enrolled in this session in order to present the results from the previous sessions. Technical elements of IBAP and CAIA, as well as national institutions related to the study, were invited to participate.

Regional Presentation Session | 2015 Bafatá and Gabu
Regional Presentation of the Results and Validation of the Strategic Options | Two regional sessions took place in Bafatá and Gabú (Guinea-Bissau, 3/12/2015 and 4/12/2015). Local and regional authorities were invited, as well as community representatives.