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Development of a Forest Reference Emission Level for the National System of Protected Areas in Guinea-Bissau
In response to Decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 70 and 71, Guinea-Bissau aims at providing a positive contribution to mitigation actions in the forest sector by reducing emissions from deforestation, in accordance with its national circumstances and respective capability. The Government of Guinea-Bissau initiated a preparation process for REDD+ by establishing the inter-ministerial Working Group on REDD+ with the mandate to drive the initial steps and produce a multi-stakeholder Roadmap (and Policy Brief) for REDD+ readiness activities in the country. This REDD+ Roadmap lists the development of a forest reference emission level (FREL) - one of the elements to be developed in the implementation of REDD+ activities in the context of results-based payments - as the priority in the Action Plan. In January 2019, Guinea-Bissau submitted to the UNFCCC its proposed applying a stepwise approach in accordance with decision 12/CP.17, paragraph 10. The FREL was developed at subnational level for the terrestrial component of the SNAP, with the aim of transitioning in the future to a national FREL incorporating all forests in the country. The proposed submission was subject to a technical assessment facilitated by the UNFCCC secretariat. Submission and technical assessment report are available in the UNFCCC REDD+ Web Platform.
Results | Submitted FREL for SNAP in Guinea-Bissau
Public Presentation of the FREL | 2019
The submitted FREL was presented by RSeT technical team at July 22nd of 2019 in IBAP headquarters. The audience was composed by IBAP staff and the State Secretariat of Environment. The presentation topics included the data and methods used to achieve the results and a description of the interaction with the assessment team.
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